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Responsible Office: Information Security
Responsible Office: Information Security


1. 目的

This policy is designed to educate users of 十大玩彩信誉平台 (美国) computer resources about their responsibilities regarding usage, and to describe prohibited/unacceptable use.

2. 适用性

This policy applies to all users of 美国 computer workstations, 服务器, 网络设备, 软件, 数据库, and related equipment accessed directly or indirectly through the Internet.  This includes not only 美国 faculty, 教职员及学生, 还有供应商, 承包商, 合作伙伴, 合作者, and any others doing business or research at 美国.

3. 定义

黑客: An unauthorized attempt to exploit a computer system or a private network.

垃圾邮件: The act of sending multiple unsolicited messages or the same message multiple times for any prohibited purpose.

破解: A technique used to breach computer 软件 or an entire computer security system with malicious intent.

4. 政策指导方针

美国 requires that all users of its computer resources make acceptable use of these resources that are consistent with the University’s educational, research and service-related mission.  Users must comply with all applicable federal and state laws and all University regulations regarding intellectual property, 包括联邦版权法, and with all applicable licenses or contracts regarding the use of 软件.

4.1  General Policy for Faculty/Staff

美国, through the Computer Services Center, provides an academic network and multi-user systems to be used by faculty, 教职员及学生 for instructional and research activities.  The CSC also delivers University administrative networks, network services for the 美国 Health Systems, 光纤网络, 电信服务.  任何使用校园网的人, campus systems or computer equipment owned by 美国 must be authorized to do so.  All employees are required to adhere to the policies listed throughout this document, but this does not preclude individual 美国 departments from creating more specific and stringent guidelines for their employees based on the nature of their work.


美国 provides student access to computer resources through the wireless and wired networks, 电子邮件系统, web服务器, and departmental labs located throughout campus.  Students using these resources must adhere to all 美国 policies regarding the use of computers and computer networks.  Access privileges can be denied to anyone using 美国 computer resources for illegal or unethical purposes.  Any illegal behavior observed will be reported to appropriate campus officials, and based on the nature of the illegal activity may be reported to an appropriate law enforcement agency.  All students are required to adhere to the policies pertaining to them throughout this document.  然而, these policies do not preclude individual departments from making more specific and stringent guidelines for their students or facilities. 

5. 程序

Certain uses of 美国 computer resources are never permitted.  These include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

  • Sharing individual account passwords to include Active Directory, 横幅, 电子邮件, or other university systems with any other person, or obtaining another person’s account password by unauthorized means;
  • Unauthorized sharing of Personal Identifiable Information (PII), 包括帐号, 电话号码, 社会安全号码, 信用卡号, or any other information that would permit the identity of the person to whom the information applies to be identified;
  • Interfering with the operation of the 美国 computer and/or telecommunications systems through hacking, 破解, 或其他方式;
  • Damaging computer hardware or 软件, or altering computer hardware or 软件 without authorization;
  • Transmitting obscene or threatening communications;
  • Using unauthorized accounts or circumventing system security;
  • Broadcasting unsolicited messages (Spamming);
  • Invading the privacy of another person;
  • Using 美国 resources for personal financial or commercial purposes, including the mining of virtual currency, sales of lecture notes/study guides or the intellectual property of others;
  • 故意看, 下载, 印刷, 或发送任何非法材料, 包括色情内容, 威胁, 或骚扰通讯;
  • Engaging in any other activity that violates state or federal law.  Any illegal activity discovered on 美国 resources will be reported to the appropriate campus officials, and based on the nature of the activity may be reported to an appropriate law enforcement agency.

6. 执行

Failure to follow this policy will result in unacceptable risks to 美国 and its computer resources.  Violations of this policy may result in the suspension of computer use privileges or other University discipline based on the severity of the violation(s).

7. 相关文档