
As our University and country respond to the challenges of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak, cybercriminals are also actively attempting to take advantage. 大学 电脑服务中心 and 信息安全 Offices want to warn you of the 需要特别警惕. 以下是值得关注的主要领域:


  • 学生及本部员工: 和/或

Call (251) 460-6161 for highly urgent circumstances, such as an obvious computer infection 或者勒索软件攻击.

  • 美国卫生工作者: 

 请致电IT帮助台(251)445-9123或发送电子邮件 上学 


The transition to work-at-home raises a number of 信息安全 issues for 在家工作的个人.  我们整理了一些建议,你会发现 helpful in securing your home network environment for 人al and University business 目的.  点击这里查看这些建议.


Malicious email phishing scams about the COVID-19 virus are at a heightened level. The 信息安全 Office is especially concerned about phishing and malware scams taking advantage of fears surrounding the Coronavirus. 这些网络钓鱼企图 may ask you to enter credentials or urge you to open an attachment to learn more, 可能正在您的计算机上安装恶意代码.


  • Be skeptical of emails claiming to be from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), or experts saying they have information about 病毒. Find the authoritative web sites for those entities rather than clicking 在电子邮件中的链接.

  • If you receive an unsolicited email which includes a link requiring you to enter passwords, 停止 评估形势. 采取行动前请联系发件人.

  • Malicious actors are cloning websites with a live map for COVID-19 global cases by 约翰霍普金斯大学. Once the site is accessed, the user is infected with malware.

The USA 信息安全 Office recommends the following preventive measures:

  • Verify the sender’s email address, but be aware that even a legitimate sender might 已经妥协了. 

  • Unless you are CONFIDENT of the email’s integrity, do not click on any links, or download/open any attachments in any unsolicited emails you may receive - even if from someone you 经常性地与…相符.

  • Remember, USA will never ask for sensitive information via an unsolicited email.

  • Enable Two Step Verification for your USA email account. 请参阅(连结至



Social engineering is a type of attack that leverages human kindness and may involve im人ating a USA affiliate or asking for information on behalf of one.

  • These methods often create fake situations that appear to be urgent in order to retrieve sensitive information, elevated permissions, or a response that would normally require 提供批准或验证的过程. 

  • These targeted attacks are commonly observed in phishing emails that request you to perform an action such as download an attached document or click on an embedded link, but can be conducted through other methods such as phone calls, social media, or in 人. 


给n the current environment, it's important everyone remain vigilant and not bypass proper approval channels that would normally be required by your department.

  • 常识是你最好的防御

  • Verify the source of all requests before engaging in a conversation

  • Don’t open any unexpected attachments or click suspicious links

  • Be aware of the information being requested and don't give users the 'benefit of the 怀疑的

  • 忽略不请自来的信息或行动请求

  • Be aware of suspicious individuals, if you see something, say something

  • If your department is responsible for providing services to the USA community and you have questions on your verification processes or policies, please consult your 主管了解更多信息.